Type A Light Lavender Green Jadeite Buddha Ping An Kou Donut Pendant 74.33g 56.4 by 13.6mm
Product Description:
Type A Light Lavender Green Jadeite Buddha Ping An Kou Donut Pendant 74.33g 56.4 by 13.6mm
Meaning in Feng Shui:
In Feng Shui there is a saying, 山管人丁水管财 which means the mountain governs the people and the water governs the wealth. Mountain" represent support while "Water" represent wealth. Wearing a Shan Shui Jade Pendant will help to attract wealth luck & support from benefactors.
The Buddha is a spiritual symbol and example of how to walk the path of mindfulness. The name Buddha means “awakened one” because the Buddha was a man who woke up to his human experience and attained enlightenment. The Buddha, just like each of us, was searching for contentment. That’s why the Buddha is a reminder that we can achieve happiness and joy in our human existence.
Transparency: Translucent
Remarks: Item comes with a box