Type A Jade Jadeite Om Mani Padme Hum Barrel Pendant - 23.71g 29.6 by 14.3mm

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Meaning in Feng Shui:

Life is not a bed of roses there are bound to be challenges waiting and wearing a "Lu Lu Tong" will help to ensure paths you take will work out well with success and smooth sailing. Great for people who just enter the work force and wants career advancement. This is a Natural Icy variety Grade A Burmese Jade Jadeite Fei Cui Barrel pendant. Jade is a protective stone that attracts Good Luck, Prosperity, Wealth & health. It comes in many form like rings, earrings, necklaces or bracelets jewelry.

Product Specifications

Product Description: 

A Type A Jade Jadeite Om Mani Padme Hum Barrel Pendant.

Colour: Green

Stones: Natural Type A Jade Jadeite

Weight: 23.71 g

Largest Barrel Dimensions: 29.6 by 14.3mm

Carving: Barrel

Transparency: Translucent

Remarks: Item comes with a pendant box.