Type A Icy Blueish Green Om Mani PadMe Hum Barrel Jade Jadeite Bracelet 50.49g 20cm 11.3 by 14.6mm/barrel 11 pieces

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Meaning in Feng Shui:

Jadeite Jade, a durable, pretty & great philosophy meaning which made it the most beloved gemstone. Known as ‘stone of heaven’ or ‘noble stone’, held higher in value than gold in ancient times. Demonstrates human values like durability, purity & radiance. It has prosperous energies that help one to have a positive approach towards money & enabling visualization of earning more.

Also considered as ‘’Dream Stone’’, Jade charms bring about harmony between people through trustworthiness, nurturing, loyalty which attract good luck, friendship & stronger relationships. Jadeite possesses many health abilities like strengthening the body, cleansing, filtration & removing toxins from the body, to increase longevity. Being able to absorb negativity, it eliminates irritability & negative thoughts. Helpful in both physical & emotional well being, allowing one to feel more balance. 

Excellent for people seeking a balanced physical & mental well being, people looking to improve relationships.


“Om Mani PadMe Hum” is derived from sanskrit is the most popular Buddhism Mantra used for protection when recited. The purpose of this mantra is to free all sentient beings from suffering and difficulty. Other benefits include cutting off one’s ignorance, opening up one’s wisdom, subdue demons, heal illness, avert from disaster, lengthen one’s life, bestows immeasurable blessings & gaining profound tranquility. 

Excellent for those seeking protection or those going through tough times.


Barrel also know as Lu Lu Tong 路路通 is classic & extremely popular design among the chinese as it means life will be smooth sailing and free from obstacles. Any difficulties or hurdles thrown in your way, you will be able to pass them easily without any hassle.

Excellent for everyone who wishes to have a smooth life.


Product Description: 

Type A Icy Blueish Green Om Mani PadMe Hum Barrel Jade Jadeite Bracelet 

Colour:  Blueish Green

Stones: Natural Type A Burmese Jade Jadeite

Weight: 50.49 g

Diameter per bead: 11.3 by 14.6 mm

Number of Beads: 11 Pieces

Carving: Barrel

Transparency: Translucent

Remarks: Item comes with a Bracelet box.