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    Men Shen 门神

    Men Shen 门神

    The Men Shen or the guardians of gates and doorways are a pair of defied generals that are commonly seen on doorways. The two generals, namely Qin Shubao and Yuchi Gong, were tasked to protect Emperor Taizong’s door as he was haunted by the Dragon King. Impressed by the vigilance of the two generals who were able to guard the door without rest, the emperor commanded his best artists to paint the generals’ on his doors so that his generals could rest.

    The Men Shen depicted as military figures are known to ward off negative energy, evil spirits and criminals. The Men Shen depicted as scholars are known to bring good luck, wealth and harmony in the building.

    Excellent for those seeking protection.

    Rare Carving Type A Yellow & Green Jade Jadeite Menshen (门神) 113.35g 81.0 by 44.4 by 12.7mm - Huangs Jadeite and Jewelry Pte Ltd
    Rare Carving Type A Yellow & Green Jade Jadeite Menshen (门神) 130.5g 84.4 by 49.4 by 14.2mm - Huangs Jadeite and Jewelry Pte Ltd