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    Rhinoceros 犀牛

    Rhinoceros 犀牛

    In Feng Shui, Rhinoceros is best used as a symbol of protection against negative energy or dangers faced in life. Some examples include robbery, accidents, office politics, backstabbers etc. This is due to the protective and resilient nature of the animal and it’s aggression towards any other threatening beasts. It is best utilised in a pair and displayed on an elevated area facing the main door.

    Excellent for those seeking protection.

    Type A Burmese Old Mine Jade Jadeite Rhinoceros Pendant - 16.40g 37.9 by 45.7 by 12.0mm - Huangs Jadeite and Jewelry Pte Ltd
    Unpolished Pair of Type A Burmese Jade Jadeite Rhinoceros - Huangs Jadeite and Jewelry Pte Ltd